calories quantity in beer

Image result for beer alcohol content images

we mostly consume beer without knowing the quantity of calories in beer. If we are really health conscious then we  must try to know that what things we are going to consume , how much calories that drink/food have ? By adopting this habit we can be health conscious and make our health fit.

Beer:-  Image result for beer alcohol content images

  • mostly beer has 150 calories.( this can be burn by 15 minute exercise).
  • light beer may have 50 to 90 calories. ( this can be burn by 10 minutes exercise )
  • Budweiser: 207 calories
  • Kingfisher ultra:140
  • Kingfisher: 218
  • Guinness: 180
  • Tuborg: 202

Calories counting:-  If you drink light beer, they generally run from 100-112 calories per 12 oz and have slightly less alcohol (average of about 4.2% alcohol), placing Image result for beer alcohol content imagesthem well below regular sodas or juice. Premium beers run a bit heavier – a Sam Adams Lager or Boston Ale has about 160 calories and high alcohol beers like New Belgium Trippel (7.8% alcohol) contain 215 calories in a single 12oz serving.

Calories in 100ml of beer :

Image result for budweiser beer images

Conclusion:-  we should not consume blindly . we must try to know that how much calories is our requirement and then choose less required calories beer.


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